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CBDQ is an experimental cannabinoid with fewer uses than CBD or THC, but there is a possibility that it may be better at fighting certain cancer cells.

CBDQ and similar oxidized derivatives of CBD are gaining attention for their potential use in cancer, obesity, fibrosis and diabetes. Like its parent, CBDQ is not intoxicating and has more clear anti-cancer effects than THC or CBD, but nothing else is known about its effects on humans.

CBD is generally well tolerated, but there are no clinical, safety or tolerability data yet for the use of CBDQ. CBDQ may cause similar drug interactions or liver toxicity.

CBDQ, the cannabidiol quinone also known as CBDHQ or HU-331, was first synthesized in 1968, when scientists wanted to know what makes hash turn purple. It is formed when CBD is oxidized or metabolized naturally by air, heat, synthesis and even digestion.

CBDQ can occur naturally, but too late to be extracted or used practically. Thus, pharmaceutical researchers are developing promising synthetic CBDQ derivatives.

CBDQ versus THC: Basic differences
CBDQ does not cause high or the same physiological side effects as THC
THC is plentiful in state legal markets and is medically recommended, while CBDQ is usually trace minerals or a by-product of vaping
Pure THC is not usually available, but pure CBDQ is often synthetic, sold in laboratories and not for human consumption

CBDQ versus CBD: Basic differences
CBD products are plentiful, but CBDQ products are new and extremely rare
CBD is best known for its medicinal benefits and a pure CBD pharmaceutical product is FDA approved
The side effects of CBD are well documented, but CBDQ are unknown except for possible drug interactions

What are the benefits and effects of CBDQ?
CBDQ and derivatives (VCE-004 series) are being actively investigated for some potential therapeutic effects mainly related to cancer, such as:

Anti-cancer effects:Potent activity against topoisomerase II, angiogenesis, multiple cancer cell lines and animal tumors (e.g. breast, lymphoma, pancreatic, glioblastoma, melanoma and colon cancer). It may be synergistic with cisplatin and chemotherapy drugs.
Appetite and weight: increased in mice with cancer. Reduced weight, body fat, triglycerides, liver stenosis in healthy mice fed a high-fat diet.
Diabetes: May improve insulin sensitivity.
Anti-fibrotics: Systemic sclerosis and other fibrotic diseases

What are the side effects of CBDQ?
The short- and long-term side effects of CBDQ have not been fully studied or are not really known, either in animals or in humans. We know more about what CBDQ doesn't do in terms of side effects than what it does.

In 2007, a study was done in mice to see if there were cardiac side effects comparable to doxorubicin, a chemotherapy drug known for its negative cardiovascular effects. The researchers found that CBDQ has no cardiotoxicity in mice and therefore may have an advantage. But this has not yet been studied clinically.

Vaping CBD can create different kinds of redox like CBDQ - which could have dangerous side effects. Computer models suggest that inhaled CBDQ from commercial CBD vaping products can cause pro-inflammatory, altered protein function and stressful cellular effects. However, the clinical significance of all of these remains to be determined.

There is not enough data to say whether the side effects of CBDQ are roughly equivalent to the common side effects of CBD oil, but it is possible, as they are together and directly related
CBDQ may cause directly unknown side effects, liver toxicity or drug interactions with enzyme families such as CYP450, similar to CBD
CBD vapours can be heated and create CBDQ and other free substances, which can be harsh on the airways and have distinct side effects

Physics tells us that when molecules oxidise, they normally lose energy and reactivity - even cannabinoids. But quinone compounds like CBDQ are special.

CBDQ is an oxidized form of CBD with less overall potential so far, but it surprises us with promising anti-cancer effects that have yet to be studied in humans.

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